Winter Ango 2019-2020


Dear Village Zendo Sangha and Friends,

Now is the time for us to renew our practice during our Winter Ango! Each year we set aside time in our lives to renew our intention to live a meaningful life — by increasing our zazen, our study, and our interaction with sangha.

I am pleased to announce that our shuso, the ‘practice leader’ for this ango is Joren – Sarah Drury! Joren will will offer her leadership and model practice for us during this time.

As you may recall, ango means ‘peaceful dwelling’, and it is my hope that all of us who participate will encounter our own peaceful dwellings in our hearts and minds. And this year, we need to do this more than ever! To that end, I encourage us all to attend the retreats, study sessions, and zazenkais that we have scheduled for ango, to work with the commitment form that Joren has devised, to study our ango text, koan commentaries by three medieval women Zen Teachers, Zen Echoes, translated by Beata Grant, and to enter wholeheartedly into this time of invigorated practice.

The ango officially begins on December 26th and flows on into March 8th, ending with our Shuso Hossen on that day. This is the traditional length of an ango, and it gives us all time to settle into a deep winter practice.

Please take time to notice what is important in your life and do try to attend our beloved Year-End Retreat at Garrison. It is a time of introspection, of clarity and resolve. Sitting together in the hall, walking in the snow, taking time to rest, to watch the Hudson flow, and listening to our own nature – this is our annual practice of restoring and re-centering.

Joren’s letter, and her commitment form, are also available here. Please make your practice a reality, come back to your self, join the ango!



The ango text is available at the Zendo: Zen Echoes, Classic Koans with Verse Commentaries by Three Female Zen Masters, translated by Beata Grant.

In conjunction with Roshi Enkyo O’Hara, the shuso has developed a intention form to guide our practice.  If you would like to formally enter Winter Ango, please complete the form and submit it.  This will help you clarify the most important aspects of your practice during ango.  You may email us the text or scan of your commitment form to or drop it off in the office at the Zendo or at our winter retreat in Garrison. Commitment forms will be read by Roshi and the shuso. You may wish to review your intention form with a Village Zendo teacher.


Letter from Shuso Joren Drury
• Winter Ango Commitment Form

Important Dates:

December 26 – January 1: Year End Retreat at the Garrison Institute

Note that you do not need to attend our winter retreat at the Garrison institute to participate in our Winter Ango. Please join us in this time of intensified practice and commitment.

Photo: Winter Labyrinth by Oshin Jennings

For additional information contact

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