Path of Expression

Select Sundays
1:30pm — 4:00pm

Path of Expression

Begins Sunday, February 25 Online

The Village Zendo’s Japanese name, Dotokuji, means True Expression Temple. Expression and expressive forms are central to Zen practice—they bridge the contemplative wisdom of zazen with its functioning in the world as responsive action.

This year’s Path class, the Path of Expression, will be led by Fusho Hoshi and senior student Gessho, and will explore two of the traditional Zen arts: poetry and flower arranging. Meeting monthly on Sunday afternoons, the Path of Expression will combine council-style dialogues and exercises with expressive practice with words and flowers.

The spring sessions, led by Gessho, will focus on Zen poetry. We will be reading in the rich traditions of Zen poetry from China, Japan, and the US. We will also learn about and practice some of the traditional Zen poetic forms. Readings and handouts will be provided to participants.

During the fall sessions Fusho Hoshi will guide the group through the basics of Ikebana-influenced flower arranging for both the home altar and the home. Participants in the Zen Flowers course will be given a list of required and suggested materials to be purchased independently at a modest cost (not included in program fee).

You may register for both sessions or for one.

Questions? Please contact

Sundays, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Part One: Zen Poetry

February 25
March 31
April 28
May 19

Part Two: Zen Flowers

September 22
October 20
November 17
December 15

Suggested fees:
Single section: $200 nonmembers, $175 members
Register for both: $350 nonmembers, $325 members

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