The Path of Koan – Ten Month Study Group

What can a koan tell you about your life, about your world, and about the Zen Teachings?


This year, the Village Zendo’s Study Path will lead us through ten Zen Koans. Koans are the rich matrix of Zen philosophy, poetry, and fundamental truth that can lead us to surprising realizations about ourselves, the world around us, and the spiritual life.

On each step of the path we’ll be examining the koans from three perspectives: our own personal life, our life as citizens of the world, and the Zen Teachings that guide us. We will work with koans from the Book of Serenity, using the Thomas Cleary translation. It is available as a paper book and as a Kindle edition.

As in the past, we will meet one Sunday a month in the afternoon to discuss and realize our Way.

Member Course Fee: $600
Non-Member Course Fee: $700

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