Online Zazenkai with Dharma Talk by Bokushu Hoshi

January 15
8:00am - 3:15pm

We invite you to participate in Village Zendo’s online zazenkai, a half-day retreat. It will include ample periods of meditation, a Dharma talk, and conclude with open sozan.

We offer the following recommendations:

Let the schedule support you and your intention. The purpose of zazenkai is to devote an extended period of time to meditation. Unless something compelling calls you away, we suggest that you devote the morning and afternoon to your practice. If, however, you need to arrive late or leave early, we request that you do so during the five-minute stretch breaks between meditation periods (see schedule below).

Create an environment that supports your retreat. We suggest clearing a space where you can meditate and stretch between periods. You may wish to light a candle or offer incense as part of your practice.

Turn off and put away all electronic devices, aside from your Zoom device, to avoid distraction.

We recommend that you review the Village Zendo’s guidelines for online sitting.

Note that zazenkai does not take place via the public Online Zendo link, but is available to registered participants only. The Zoom link to join zazenkai will be included in your registration confirmation email, and will also be sent to all registrants the day before zazenkai.


All times are Eastern Time

8:00am Zazen (Gatha of Atonement ~8:05) 8:25 Stretch 8:30 Zazen 8:55 Verse of the Kesa, stretch 9:00 Zazen 9:25 Service (Heart Sutra, Sho Sai Myo, Ennmei Jukku) Breakfast, silent rest 11:00 Zazen 11:25 Stretch 11:30 Dharma Talk 11:55 Stretch 12:00 Zazen 12:25 Break Lunch, exercise or rest 1:30 Zazen 1:55 Stretch 2:00 Zazen 2:25 Stretch 2:30 Open Sozan 3:15 4 Vows, Announcements

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